Amal Faraj

welcome statement

Say, “Do. Allah will see your deeds, as will His Messenger and the believers.” Holy Quran: 105, 9,

In the name of State Audit & Administrative Control Bureau staff, I am pleased to welcome all of our website’s visitors, hoping that it will act as a window into the outside world, which provides citizens with all necessary information about action of the Bureau in all respects, both at internal and external levels.,......

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State Audit Administrative Control Bureau Reports

Annual Report 2023

In addition to individual reports on audited entities, SAACB publishes quarter and annual reports containing total actions undertaken.

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Jobs Available

Dear all, Thank you for sending open job application to SAACB! Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have any job vacancies that would match your profile and interests.

Bureau News

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Mission, Vision, Core ValuesSAACB

  • Vision
  • Typical audit institution that makes a difference in the lives of citizens.

  • Mission
  • Effective audit over public resources and public services to ensure sound financial and administrative performance of audited entities, and present professional reports and opinions to stakeholders.

  • Core Values
  • Independence, Integrity, Transparency, Professional Excellence, Objectivity, Innovation.

    State Audit Administrative Control Bureau

  • SAACB aims at guarantee soundness of financial/administrative actions and stability of Palestine’s three authorities (Executive, Judiciary, Legislative), disclose all forms of financial/administrative deviations, including misuse of public post, and ensure that public performance in Palestine is in agreement with provisions of effective laws, regulations, bylaws and instructions, and that is undertaken in reasonable, effective and efficient manner.

    SAACB aims at guarantee soundness of financial/administrative actions and stability of Palestine’s three authorities (Executive, Judiciary, Legislative), disclose all forms of financial/administrative deviations, including misuse of public post, and ensure that public performance in Palestine is in agreement with provisions of effective laws, regulations, bylaws and instructions, and that is undertaken in reasonable, effective and efficient manner. SAACB operates as per a strategic plan aims at an independent audit institution according to INTOSAI standards, excellent institutional system, efficient, timely and quality audits and improve relations with stakeholders.